Coaching Skills

Developing coaching skills to enable better conversations.


If you want to enable people to bring the best of themselves to work, then they will want to be coached more and managed less. Coaching isn’t about giving people advice, it’s about helping them find their own answers. To do this, we need to ask more, talk less.

CoachMe is a blended, interactive and practical programme that enables participants to do just that. By guiding people through the four stages of learning participants get the chance to apply all of the core skills, principles and easy to use models that will take their communication to the next level. Resulting in engaged, happier and thriving work communities.

On this programme you will learn how to: 

  • Drive better quality conversations to influence better performance
  • Develop coaching skills rather than out of date management skills
  • Allow people to grow giving them autonomy, developing mastery and engaging in a sense of purpose
  • Learn how to ask more and talk less to improve engagement and performance
  • Create a coaching culture and approach at your organisation

More details coming soon. Contact us to find out more. 

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More details coming soon. Contact us to find out more. 

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Who is this for?

Anyone who has responsibility for others and how they perform. 



6 hours of facilitation

8 hours of app learning

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Recommended Delivery

Over 3-4 weeks

How is this delivered

Online with face-to-face options available for facilitated sessions.

A Different World..

The world is changing at a rapid pace and the old "rules" that we so often work by may no longer be helpful. With advances in technology and travel, our audiences have never been bigger and our reach has never had so much potential. How do we help our people adapt to these changes and how do we develop to cater for new cultures and audiences? How do we ensure our people work effectively together and feel safe and valued in their working environment?

The Journey

Download our brochure for more journey details.

Click through each stage within the journey for more details.

Welcome to CoachMe
What is coaching?
Coaching core skills
Imbedding & committing
Rollover Label 5

A high impact welcome session, introducing the cohort that will become part of a support network and the facilitator that will provide the group and individual feedback throughout the journey. Participants agree and commit to what lies ahead. They begin to understand competency levels and how valuable practically applying coaching skills will be for them and start to embed the main message – To ask, more and talk less.

Participants work through micro content to help gain a deeper insight into what coaching is, and what it is not. We share and test understanding of the two principles and the core skills, with participants having a chance to practice and reflect on their current competency.

The second of our live facilitated sessions, which lasts an hour, sees the cohort practicing the core skills and two principles in a live review. We share two different instances of coaching; planned sessions and coaching moments. Participants work through content that explores easy to use models for both instances. GROW and RGOW. Again, they have to practically apply all methods and content, offline and in a deep dive four hour skills practice session.

Practice, practice and more practice. In order to imbed this important skill, participants are tasked with submitting content that shows them practically applying and reflecting on planned sessions and coaching moments. The programme comes to an end when groups come back together to demonstrate  new found skills in a final sign off review that lasts one hour.

Welcome to CoachMe
What is coaching?
Coaching core skills
Imbedding & committing
Rollover Label 5

A high impact welcome session, introducing the cohort that will become part of a support network and the facilitator that will provide the group and individual feedback throughout the journey. Participants agree and commit to what lies ahead. They begin to understand competency levels and how valuable practically applying coaching skills will be for them and start to embed the main message – To ask, more and talk less.


Participants work through micro content to help gain a deeper insight into what coaching is, and what it is not. We share and test understanding of the two principles and the core skills, with participants having a chance to practice and reflect on their current competency.


The second of our live facilitated sessions, which lasts an hour, sees the cohort practicing the core skills and two principles in a live review. We share two different instances of coaching; planned sessions and coaching moments. Participants work through content that explores easy to use models for both instances. GROW and RGOW. Again, they have to practically apply all methods and content, offline and in a deep dive four hour skills practice session.


Practice, practice and more practice. In order to imbed this important skill, participants are tasked with submitting content that shows them practically applying and reflecting on planned sessions and coaching moments. The programme comes to an end when groups come back together to demonstrate  new found skills in a final sign off review that lasts one hour.


The Impact

Drive better quality conversations to influence better performance
Develop coaching skills rather than out of date management skills
Allow people to grow giving them autonomy, developing mastery and engaging in a sense of purpose
Learn how to ask more and talk less to improve engagement and performance
Create a coaching culture and approach at your organisation
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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

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The New Wave Learning